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Found 3 results

  1. I'm very new to this and I'm trying to edit a menu animation from Don't Starve Together to simply have some objects more centered (https://imgur.com/a/sP86iR4). The animation has many objects and I would like to shift the selected ones "X" and "Y", and still keep their animations/properties across all keyframes, basically just moving a select bundle of objects down/up/left/right with their animations. The closest thing I've seen work to how I would like it is the ctrl+u -> move object -> ctrl+i (New Feature, copy change to all keyframes - YouTube) to shift the objects but this seems to work only for a single object OR, selecting a single object and copying the item property to " X,Y,Y-Scale,etc" for all frames. I would like to do the same thing as those but for multiple objects. Is there any way to do so? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello, Download Super Mage World a free to play awesome jump and platformer game for android. Super Mage World starts with episode 1 including 50+ different level and 5 different boss fights. also included are : double jump, walljump, checkpoints, magic spells, many different traps to defeat enemys and many more. each world got its own setting. also we got an epic unique soundtrack that was made by my girlfriend. i someday crashed into the problem that the sprites that i used where not so animated like i wanted to, then i got spriter pro and from there on my project got an turnaround in the look of it. spriter pro is one of the best products that i know and i would never want to miss it. the game is released to the playstore for free, take a look Playstorelink: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Witch.World&hl=en Screenshots: Trailer: https://youtu.be/nY3FZMhhJ3Q
  3. I know there's an official troubleshooting post, but I figure I'll list out my own issues, troubleshooting steps, and solutions for the benefit of anyone else who is brand new to Spriter. In the first post I'll bullet out quick tips, etc. and I'll note details in subsequent posts if/when necessary. My thought is that what with all the keywords spewed out in these posts, this will make searching for certain solutions a little easier when googling or searching the board. I'm sure some or all of this is addressed in the Youtube vids, the manual (I've read through it once already and should probably give it a second read), and the board, but heck, if anything I will enjoy reviewing my own progress as time progresses. Tips If you suddenly can't select an object or bone, check ALL associated bones / objects
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