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Posts posted by CJM94

  1. So I've been working with Spriter to create a handful of characters for my game. However, now that the animations are complete, I've been trying to implement them into my Unity Project. I'm currently using Unity 2018.3.12f1 Personal. There are more up to date versions currently but due to other assets in the project being difficult after a Unity update, I've decided to stick with this version unless absolutely necessary.

    Now, on to the problem I'm facing currently. I have looked into SpriterDotNet.Unity for importing my animations into Unity. However, I'm running into these errors when I imported the package into Unity:

    Assets\Spriter2UnityDX\Editor\PrefabBuilder.cs(42,65): warning CS0618: 'ReplacePrefabOptions' is obsolete: 'This has turned into the more explicit APIs, SavePrefabAsset, SaveAsPrefabAsset, SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect'
    Assets\Spriter2UnityDX\Editor\PrefabBuilder.cs(42,15): warning CS0618: 'PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(string, GameObject, ReplacePrefabOptions)' is obsolete: 'Use SaveAsPrefabAsset or SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect instead.'
    Assets\Spriter2UnityDX\Editor\PrefabBuilder.cs(159,51): warning CS0618: 'ReplacePrefabOptions' is obsolete: 'This has turned into the more explicit APIs, SavePrefabAsset, SaveAsPrefabAsset, SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect'
    Assets\Spriter2UnityDX\Editor\PrefabBuilder.cs(159,4): warning CS0618: 'PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(GameObject, Object, ReplacePrefabOptions)' is obsolete: 'Use SaveAsPrefabAsset or SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect with a path instead.'
    Assets\Spriter2UnityDX\Editor\PrefabBuilder.cs(172,6): warning CS0618: 'TextureImporterSettings.ApplyTextureType(TextureImporterType, bool)' is obsolete: 'ApplyTextureType(TextureImporterType, bool) is deprecated, use ApplyTextureType(TextureImporterType)'

    and then when I try and import my animations folder I get:

    Assertion failed on expression: 's_AssetProgressBar.dialog'
    UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility:ProjectWindowDrag(HierarchyProperty, Boolean)
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

    Overall, I'm a little lost on how to import them into my project and with deadlines looming I'm hoping I can get some help here.

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