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Posts posted by Closet_Ninja

  1. I know that you can show and hide various items in the Timeline to "clean it up" a bit, and that you can toggle only showing selected, but if  every  second row was a different colour that would help visually sort the list.  I thought it might be nice if the bones were colourable and the colour matched the bones but that may not be the best solution.   Pretty much anything that helps visually separate adjacent items would help.

  2. I'm having an issue when taking an item outside of a bone hierarchy without placing it into another hierarchy/part of the hierarchy.

    Doing this (putting the item to the bottom of the list (both bones and sprites) will appear to move the item until I modify a former parent bone.  Doing this drops the recently moved item back into its parent bone and moves it accordingly.  Since I didn't want the item to move as I changed the parent bone (say for modifying a rig) this is problematic to say the least.

    For clarity: Hand bone is attached to arm bone.  Hand bone is unattached from arm bone but not attached to another bone.  Arm bone is moved and hand bone reattaches to arm bone (both in the hierarchy and visually).

  3. I'm having some frustration with the "Edit Image's Default Pivot" window.  It works, but it could use a bit of an improvement.  I'd like to see it maintain its previous size when closed then reopened (say, when adjusting the pivot points over many sprites.  It would also be ideal if we could edit the pivot then switch to a new Sprite without having to close the window.  It would make comparing the pivot of 2 sprites much easier.  For the record, I'm working with smaller sprites from a mobile game

    I'd also like to see a "compact" option of the Z-order panel.  Larger builds get a little unwieldy when having to drag assets up past the top of the panel.  I do know about the hotkeys but I generally want to compare it beyond what's visually happening.

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