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Posts posted by Brassx

  1. 15 minutes ago, loodakrawa said:


    That would be possible via runtime modification of the Spriter data structure. However, could you perhaps achieve the same effect by adding points to the animation and just drawing armor pieces on those points?

    That could perhaps work, however, some of the armor pieces are required to draw behind other elements of the Entity(side view, left arm drawn behind body, etc), so I assume the easiest way for me to do this would be to modify the SpriterObject info class, and add a variable pointing to the bone this object is parented to(-1 if none)? Then in the ApplySpriteTransform, I can detect what is being drawn on the bone, and decide whether or not to draw behind it, or in front of it (I won't have multiple things parented to the same bone either, nor will I have the depth of attached sprites changing in animations really.), however, that also has a downfall because since it doesn't contain the bone transform data, I can't really animate the rotation independently of the said SpriterObject in the Spriter editor..

    So maybe I can modify it one step further and include the bone info for the bone the SpriterObject is attached to in the ApplySpriteTransform method, then I can use that(and in-code defined pivot/rotation offsets), to determine where to draw said armor piece?


    Edit:Also a little feature that would be cool(if not yet supported), would be the ability to Rotate bones at runtime, this would be especially useful for shooters, and such that need their character to aim towards the mouse(or more advanced Inverse Kinematics)

  2. Hey there. Seems like a really good implementation! I will likely be switching over to this over my own implementation(mine doesn't support all of the Spriter features like yours does). Does this by chance have any support for runtime sprite swaps/attaching of sprites to bones?
    (without using the in-spriter based character maps)


    For example, say I wanted to draw a set of armor over my character(not replace the existing sprite attached to the bone, or define character maps in spriter), does this support say, attaching a helmet(with pre-defined pivot points, etc), to the "Head Bone"? Or will I need to add some kind of support for this manually? (If it doesn't have it, a quick example on how to do so with your implementation would save the trouble of looking through everything in your source code and doing it myself, I can do this if needed, but a quick example would be much appreciated).

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