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    SymboliC got a reaction from Arrgincey in Export to AVI or another type of Video support?   
    I'm wondering if there is a plugin or plans for further development to support exporting the animations to various or at least on type of Video file? Etc . Avi.
    This is useful to share the current phase, look and feel of animations with others in our team while partnering for a project.
    I know there is an export to animated GIF function but this does not cover it completely. I mean wouldn't it be nicer to have export to a video file support?
    Please correct me if I'm missing something or point me to a plug-in.
    Thanks a lot,
  2. Like
    SymboliC got a reaction from salemakeupbq in Export to AVI or another type of Video support?   
    I'm wondering if there is a plugin or plans for further development to support exporting the animations to various or at least on type of Video file? Etc . Avi.
    This is useful to share the current phase, look and feel of animations with others in our team while partnering for a project.
    I know there is an export to animated GIF function but this does not cover it completely. I mean wouldn't it be nicer to have export to a video file support?
    Please correct me if I'm missing something or point me to a plug-in.
    Thanks a lot,
  3. Like
    SymboliC got a reaction from sportrmhcnh in Animation syncing problem in 2D   
    Hello all,
    Me and a friend of mine are trying to create a game...
    I am the graphics guy and creating the animations using Spriter.
    He is the developer using Unity enviroment and the assets and sprites that I create.
    Here is the scenario for a typical problem...
    We have two animations...
    Let's say,
    One is RUNNING and the other one is FIRE WHILE RUNNING.
    When you press the right arrow, the character starts to run (RUNNING) by default... and while running, if you press the fire key, another animation is triggered(FIRE WHILE RUNNING) in which the main character's right arm is risen as if shooting projectiles while running.
    The problem is both animations have the equal series of images (8 frames each, typical walk/run cycle) but the enetring and exiting the FIRE WHILE RUNNING animation is timeless, I mean it will eventully occur randomly depending on the interaction of the player.
    While transtioining from one animation to another, the legs just scramble... or there seems to be a glitchy skipping because that while FIRE WHILE RUNNING anim is let's say, on the 6th frame, the player stops to fire and therefore, RUNNING animation starts FROM THE FIRST FRAME... skipping the last two frames of FIRE WHILE RUNNING, which causes an absurd skipping in RUN cycle, considering the legs part.
    You may suggest to tear apart the body and use same leg sub-animation for both of these two different animations. But this ime another problem similar to the one above comes into play. The anatomic syncing of arms with legs!!!
    How do you overcome this problem in UNITY or do we have to do something additional in Spriter-side?
    How do you sync the positioning of the legs in both animations so that on entering and exiting of those two animations, the legs are always stay in sync??...
    Thanks a lot...
  4. Like
    SymboliC got a reaction from AlisaMesy in Animation syncing problem in 2D   
    Hello all,
    Me and a friend of mine are trying to create a game...
    I am the graphics guy and creating the animations using Spriter.
    He is the developer using Unity enviroment and the assets and sprites that I create.
    Here is the scenario for a typical problem...
    We have two animations...
    Let's say,
    One is RUNNING and the other one is FIRE WHILE RUNNING.
    When you press the right arrow, the character starts to run (RUNNING) by default... and while running, if you press the fire key, another animation is triggered(FIRE WHILE RUNNING) in which the main character's right arm is risen as if shooting projectiles while running.
    The problem is both animations have the equal series of images (8 frames each, typical walk/run cycle) but the enetring and exiting the FIRE WHILE RUNNING animation is timeless, I mean it will eventully occur randomly depending on the interaction of the player.
    While transtioining from one animation to another, the legs just scramble... or there seems to be a glitchy skipping because that while FIRE WHILE RUNNING anim is let's say, on the 6th frame, the player stops to fire and therefore, RUNNING animation starts FROM THE FIRST FRAME... skipping the last two frames of FIRE WHILE RUNNING, which causes an absurd skipping in RUN cycle, considering the legs part.
    You may suggest to tear apart the body and use same leg sub-animation for both of these two different animations. But this ime another problem similar to the one above comes into play. The anatomic syncing of arms with legs!!!
    How do you overcome this problem in UNITY or do we have to do something additional in Spriter-side?
    How do you sync the positioning of the legs in both animations so that on entering and exiting of those two animations, the legs are always stay in sync??...
    Thanks a lot...
  5. Like
    SymboliC got a reaction from Asuqytrau in Animation syncing problem in 2D   
    Hello all,
    Me and a friend of mine are trying to create a game...
    I am the graphics guy and creating the animations using Spriter.
    He is the developer using Unity enviroment and the assets and sprites that I create.
    Here is the scenario for a typical problem...
    We have two animations...
    Let's say,
    One is RUNNING and the other one is FIRE WHILE RUNNING.
    When you press the right arrow, the character starts to run (RUNNING) by default... and while running, if you press the fire key, another animation is triggered(FIRE WHILE RUNNING) in which the main character's right arm is risen as if shooting projectiles while running.
    The problem is both animations have the equal series of images (8 frames each, typical walk/run cycle) but the enetring and exiting the FIRE WHILE RUNNING animation is timeless, I mean it will eventully occur randomly depending on the interaction of the player.
    While transtioining from one animation to another, the legs just scramble... or there seems to be a glitchy skipping because that while FIRE WHILE RUNNING anim is let's say, on the 6th frame, the player stops to fire and therefore, RUNNING animation starts FROM THE FIRST FRAME... skipping the last two frames of FIRE WHILE RUNNING, which causes an absurd skipping in RUN cycle, considering the legs part.
    You may suggest to tear apart the body and use same leg sub-animation for both of these two different animations. But this ime another problem similar to the one above comes into play. The anatomic syncing of arms with legs!!!
    How do you overcome this problem in UNITY or do we have to do something additional in Spriter-side?
    How do you sync the positioning of the legs in both animations so that on entering and exiting of those two animations, the legs are always stay in sync??...
    Thanks a lot...
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