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Posts posted by Wompus

  1. Hey Geoff,

    First of all: awesome work this library works really great.
    Second: The issue I mentioned before is not happening anymore in your newest version.
    My only problem is that it doesn't work in Monogame and is hard to port because you have the Content Pipeline Extension.
    Monogame doesn't have a replacement for Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.
    Everything else is dependent on each other so you need the Monogame references everywhere.

    Edit: correction they do have the content.pipeline assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\MonoGame\v3.0\Tools

    Edit2: You can just generate the xnb files and only use the BrashMonkeySpriter project in your game to get it working in Monogame. Just replace the Xna assemblies with the Monogame assembly in BrashMonkeySpriter

  2. This library works great for me (slightly slower initial loading compared to older XNA Spriter libraries though..) but only the ladder animation for the platformerpack bugs out, see: http://i.imgur.com/6GOfT5B.png

    It wiggles to the left and right which it doesn't do in the original animation, which makes me think it has something to do with rotations.

    Has anything changed in the last year (since this library was released) that could cause this bug? Or is there something special in the ladder animation that the library needs to implement?

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