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Posts posted by Jerkald

  1. I've come across a more significant bug when working with two texture atlases.

    When placing textures from two different texture atlases everything appears to work correctly, but upon opening the saved scml, the images from the second texture atlas show the red 'missing image' box.

    My setup:


    - bodies.json (atlas 1)

    - bodies.png


    - scientist.json (atlas 2)

    - scientist.png

    - scientist.scml

    * Open New spriter project, named it scientist.scml.

    * Add one texture to the canvas from atlas 1

    * Add one texture to the canvas from atlas 2

    * Everything looks great, save scml and close Spriter

    * Open scientist.scml, texture from atlas 2 shows red box.

  2. I've been playing around with this build and found a couple very minor things.

    I installed it on top of a b10 build that had been freshly installed.

    I saw in the release notes that the texture packing generation template TempJson* was removed, but I still see them in my template list when I open the generate sprite sheet dialog. (no biggy, maybe because I didn't do a clean install?)

    I installed my texture packer application in a different (non-default) directory and am prompted almost every time for it's location when I need generate a new spritesheet. I think it asks the first time you open spriter, but it does not remember the location once closed.

    When saving a spritesheet, I clicked the browse button to navigate to the directory from where I would save the file. If I cancel, it clears out whatever value was in that output file name line edit. If I browse to a directory that has a folder with the same name I chose to name the file and then I click the save button, it opens that directory instead of saving. Example, the directory I am navigated to has a Boss folder and I type 'boss' into the filename field (intending to make a boss.tps file). I click the Save button. Instead of saving the dialog navigates into the Boss folder.

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