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Everything posted by grimfang4

  1. I've just finished a first pass of loading the SCML format into memory. You can get the code and keep up with progress at: http://code.google.com/p/scml-pp/
  2. Hey everyone, I'm working on a generic API for C++ that is not tied to a specific rendering engine. If you have feature requests specific to such an interface, leave a message here, email me, or create a new issue on the Google Code page. You can find my info at http://www.dinomage.com. EDIT: It's ready to use! Get the code at http://code.google.com/p/scml-pp/ Included is a sample implementation targeting the SDL_gpu rendering API. I'm still interested in feedback and interface suggestions! Currently implemented renderers: SDL_gpu SPriG (no GPU) SFML 2.0
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