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Posts posted by jmcmorris

  1. Thanks Mike for getting back so quickly. I actually already wrote a script that does this. It works for the most part but it does mean we have to go through all animations' frames again and clean up any images that rounded incorrectly. As I said before, I understand if you guys can't or don't want to throw something like this in. Thanks again. :)

  2. Hey guys, I read that you are planning to have a pixel art mode at some point but it is a ways off. Would it be possible to create an option or something that would make it so all images snap to integers and not use float? Every pixel counts for our animations and so we currently have to manually change the coordinates. We could love this feature. We don't mind if it is hacked in and we have to change some option file or something. It is understandable if you don't have the time though and we can of course work around it. Thanks for the consideration.

    ~Jasson (from Siege Games)

  3. I have not been keeping up with this too much but I did want to add in something. The SCML should contain a bool for animation looping. I was just working on my engine and found that I have to add in additional logic to be able to turn off looping for animations instead of just reading it from the SCML.

  4. The closest you have to an image id is the image file path. I have scripts (python) that define my entities, such as players, and in these scripts I create a mapping between nice image ids and the image file paths. This should give me everything I need. Also this is close to the CharMaps feature in Spriter, which means it will be easy to replace my map with the CharMaps when that feature is released.

  5. Will there be a free version of spriter after 1.0 release? I couldn't find details on exactly what the business model is. From what I have gathered there will be a regular version (free?) and then a pro version that has lots of nice-to-have features.

    I already got the pro version through Kickstarter but my game is all about mod support and I want to know if modders will have to buy spriter to change animations.



  6. Thanks Mike for the quick response. That is a good suggestion and if CharMaps are going to be implemented similarly in the new Spriter then hopefully my implementation wont have to change much once it is released. I definitely look forward to updates! Thanks again!

  7. Hello and congratulations on your Kickstarter success. I have a question about swapping and hiding images in the current spriter beta. From what I understand this is a feature that was available in the old spriter and has not made it's way into the new spriter. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am looking into implementing spriter into my game engine but these two things are a must and I am wondering the best way to go about achieving this.

    I have looked through the SCML format and from what I can see there is no reference to images beyond the frame that it is being used it. Consequently, my current plan is to use a placeholder image and then use this as a key to map to the images. This should give me means to gaining access to the images and modifying them (swap and hide). Any ideas? Is there a better way to go this?



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